About Me!

      Greetings! Welcome and thanks for checking out my blog! I am a 6th grader from Hopewell Elementary in the PV School district. I love video games, playing outside, riding bikes, social studies, and dogs, but another thing that brings me joy are books. Books are knowledge, they can help you with any subject from vocabulary all the way to math. I consider myself in between an avid Reader and just a normal reader. In a year, I read tons of books, but I wasn’t always this way.Back in 4th Grade, I moved to a new school, which is my current school, Hopewell Elementary. I never read any books at my old school because I didn’t find them interesting, but once I started 4th Grade it all changed.I had a teacher named Miss Meuser, at my new school Miss Meuser would check my progress of reading every single week, and would ask me what was going on. She had an entire reading chart to keep track of all of my progress and she helped me set goals which motivated me. I struggled at first because I never read books at my old school because I wasn’t forced to but once I started to read I started to understand that books give knowledge and even tell intriguing stories from fairy tales to action. Slowly, I moved up to where I am today. 

     Thank you for spending your time reading my story. I believe that any book can teach you a theme or a moral. You can learn pretty much anything from books, books give knowledge. On this blog, I plan to share the stories of books that I read and be a leader in reading and how my perspectives change with what I read. Thanks for joining me on this journey!