Best of 2022

               Out of the 40+ books I’ve read in 2022, my favorite book of all of 2022 is Space Case by Stuart Gibbs. This book has a mix of mystery, mixes of science, supernatural beings and many more. These elements made it my favorite book because it had an…

Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz

  Hitler Youth. The source of Hitler’s power and also Hitler’s greatest mistake. In Projekt 1065 by Alan Gratz, A boy named Micheal is a part of Hitler Youth, but something is different between him and the other kids. His entire family are Allied Forces spies. One day, a British Pilot named Simon crash landed…

Two Degrees by Alan Gratz

         Climate change is an enormous issue. In Two Degrees by Alan Gratz, the main characters Akira, Owen, George, and Natalie are troubled by climate change all over the world and they realize that the only way to overcome this enormous issue is to work together. Climate change has played a huge…